Πέμπτη 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Special Forces Workouts

Special forces have insane workout schedules that they have to follow in order to keep their body in shape for what they need to do.  Does it compare to workouts like P90X orTurbo Fire.  You make the call.
To begin with I want to make the declaration that each piece of equipment and exercise is a means to an end.
Assuming you want to gain muscle mass and muscular strength you should be aware of that you will find many different ways to do so, for biceps you could do dumbbell curls or you could do chin ups, every individual will respond differently to each exercise.
The two of them are good work outs and as a matter of fact neither of them is better, the dumbbell curl is an isolation exercise that is better for more advanced people and the chin-up stimulates the back and the forearms as well as the biceps which makes it a compound exercise.
Compound exercises are great for first timers(or people who took a long break from the gym) to start with and will make you grow faster, but who am I to tell you how YOUR body will respond, remember that you as a unique individual should find out what works best for YOU.
Push-Ups Versus Bench Press’s
You might think that the bench press is better to the push-up but however you would be wrong.
Push-ups allow you to make use of your upper back in a way that a bench press wont allow, its possible to harm your back because of a muscle imbalance if your upper back is not very strong.
“The scapula is allowed to go through a full range of motion with push ups, but is constricted in all forms of bench pressing. ” – Zach Dechant a credible writer from www.elitefts.com
If they are too easy for you for a increased challenge you can do pushups while wearing a backpack filled with sand(or something else).
Bench pressing has the psychological effect of doing more but there is as much of a difference between pushups and bench presses as there is between working out a home gym and at a paid gym, there are some very clear distinctions but the end result is the same. You do virtually the same exercises in either a gym or system like the insanity workout and you promote the same muscles in either chest exercise.
So are push-ups better than bench press’s? absolutely no! neither is better than the other!
Every single exercise has a purpose and you can’t argue about either being ineffective unless of course you have done each of both for at least a year and its still a personal experience for every single one of us.
Weightlifting Workouts
Free weights have been around for ages, folks have used them for ages, even prior to gyms being widespread.
Its possible to accomplish some fantastic things with them, I use them personally and there are exercises that are not possible to perform without weights.
As far as what kind of weights you use(in case you have no dumbbells) it does not matter, I know a guy who claims that he got big by lifting rocks because he could not afford to go to the gym(true story), though dumbbells are advised seeing as they were crafted specifically for exercises.
Bodyweight Workouts
I use these kinds of exercises as well, there are particular exercises that you won’t be able to do with any gym equipment, like the handstand pushups which tend to be far more brutal than regular pushups.
The special forces are a great example of where guys use bodyweight workouts, they can’t bring in lots of gym equipment into their base so they take advantage of bodyweight exercises and they are definitely not out of shape if you ever met a dude who is in the special forces.
Forget about cd rates and cappuccinos, what is important is what your goals and intentions are for your body, because there are many roads to get to your goals and many tools.
Its up to you to determine what to do, you can use free weights or you can do bodyweight workouts, you can also do a combination of both.
In the long run you should do what is most effective for you, but remember never close off your mind to new possibilities.

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